Ayahuasca and Madness | The Ayavolve Institute

If you come back with a messiah complex you did it wrong and your guides were probably not Indigenous trained.

One of the big tasks I believe people have post-ceremony, is to rigorously challenge our assumptions about self, ego mind, what may be an insight during ceremony, and what may be simply stroking our ego. For example, sometimes someone comes to one ceremony and in the morning proclaims that they are meant to facilitate ceremonies. Or someone believes they are the second coming of Christ, or another version of a Messianic complex. These things are not necessarily real, as they are not grounded in actual reality—usually simply forms of ego mind or mental masturbation.

While perhaps they are meant to lead ceremonies at some point on their path, this skill like every other skill requires much dedicated effort, time, etc.The Messianic complex, on the other hand suggests they believe they some sort of savior of humanity, through a grandiose worldview or sense of self as better than others. While we all may develop a keener sense of empathy and compassion for humanity and the natural world (a noted byproduct of working with plant medicines in general), we must also walk in a humble way, doing the things we can as simple humans. Therefore, rigor in this case, means true community who can call us out when we are talking gibberish,

Source: Ayahuasca and Madness | The Ayavolve Institute

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